By Admin | March 27, 2020 | 0 Comments

7 Market Savvy tips to launch your product, the way you want

Every entrepreneur dreams of the perfect way to launch their brand and advertise their product, in ways that are refreshingly innovative, yet has the success rate of tried and tested market formulas. Here are our top 7 tips to create the right buzz!

  1. Know Your Target Audience :

If you are banking on the recognition of, and profit from your product or service in the long run, it pays to understand who your target audience is, and how they can be moulded to accept your offering. In fact, defining who exactly out there would be interested in your product/service is the single most important business decision that you can make. Clearly defining your target audience not only gives you direction in your marketing plans, but can also help you make the right connections as and when it comes along.


2. Know your competition :

It would seem tough – and at times, downright impossible – to create a niche market for your brand, when there are similar firms offering multiple versions of the same product to your intended consumers. It would be imperative therefore, to hit on the factor making your product or service unique early on, and to start analyzing what would your product’s USP be, in comparison to the competition.


3.  Start planning early : 

Start before you are ready. Gather data that would help you validate your product in the market. Analyse in depth why your product or service is equal to the challenge it is made for, and test it first on a few patrons. The recipe for a successful product launch is careful and meticulous planning, followed by effective marketing. Keep your back up plans ready, just in case. And make sure you have the necessary support in place beforehand – ones you could rely on to tide you through this nail-biting phase.

4. Create the right buzz :

There is nothing more exciting than creating an aura of mystery over your product before the actual launch. Suggestive hints, unique puzzles, absorbing questionnaires, and an attractive launch ad on social media as well as your website help create the right note, and allows you to test waters first time in public. Follow this up consistently with helpful anecdotes on your product’s value, and the reliability of your brand. Conducting a free trial or product demo can also provide you with much needed critical feedback before the big day.

5. Increase your visibility : 

Do a power packed and full-fledged launch that leaves no stone unturned. Designate a marketing team dedicated to creating and maintaining the interest levels of your potential customers. Train them to pitch, run ads, spread the word and generate good will about your brand. Utilise the attention-grabbing power of Facebook and Instagram to advertise key product FAQs. Posting customer videos, pics and comments keeps the buzz alive. Let the world know you are here to stay.

6.  Post and share  content that matters : 

It goes without saying that Googling is what the average customer would do to know more about your product or service. Make sure you already have content posted online that’s engaging, yet informative. Interesting blogs, humorous articles and quote-worthy stories written from your product-user’s perspective can do wonders to appeal to your chosen demographic, which in turn can generate sufficient interest in them to give your brand a try.

7. Organize freebies and capture feedback : 

A give away is a sure shot way to create a fan following during the initial phase of your brand launch. Be generous with introductory offers, and remember to throw in a few discounts as well. Remember, creating brand loyalty at this stage is more worthwhile than raking in the moolah. Giving sufficient leeway to speak their mind about your product/service wins the customers over. Utilise every opportunity at this stage to strengthen your product value and build public confidence.

Consistency is key for a brand. In order to establish a lasting impression, be mindful of your brand’s voice and tone throughout. Constantly trying out newer and more innovative tactics and paying attention to the end user’s opinions will ensure that each day is as successful and promising as the next.

Author : Vandana Devi Sreejith

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