Bhargavi D
About Me
BTech Electronics and Communications Engineering
A major in electronics and Communication Engineering and a minor in digital marketing.
High school statistics
A major in Statistics, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Elementary School
General studies
Work & Experience
Digital Intern
Working in the Global Messaging Team, on “MessageLabs Retirement” a project to reroute the current e-mail delivery system, evaluate the risk of reduced protection versus the reward of cost savings and technical debt deduction of retiring Symantec and keeping only Office 365 in place, simultaneously manages the users, mailboxes, email flow and takes care of the e-mail hygiene for the entire organization.
Development Intern
Worked in the Offices of Development and Alumni Relations, on databases involving the alumni from the last 4 decades, simultaneously working on HNI Profiling also involving in cold calling.
Research and Development Intern
Worked in the domain of assembly and manufacture of a 3D printer, also in circuit designing of the chips using EagleCadd.
Industrial Trainee
An industrial Training on IP Addressing, Mobile Communications, and Optical Fiber Communications