Education in major Computer Science and Engineering
Work & Experience
Software engineer trainee
Worked on Keka HR (HRIS/HRMS) software that helps organizations manage various aspects of their human resources functions. Keka HR: Added and enhanced the features by expanding payroll feature, also developed some functionalities. Performed rigorous testing, ensuring comprehensive coverage of each test case scenario.
Software Developer L1
Worked for client PIMCO to develop Notification Tool, Raven – hubot, Raven service etc., also maintained python scripts and services. TechOps Tool: Used by business people and internal teams to send notifications & handovers to give job’s information such as job completion, sla’s, eta’s, etc. Also provided continuous support to update the tool and added new features. Snow Report: Developed python script to generate the reports for the jobs a based on configuration files, also tested various features in this utility for each environment and configuration file. Raven-hubot: A slack bot to fetch the data for all service-now tickets from the client’s end based on command given. Also created and tested commands for various cases and with different approaches. Quality Assurance: Done Manual and automated testing by writing test cases and testing with every test case possible for various utility scripts, services, tools and application.