Mohammed Mubashir Ali

Trainee software engineer
  • Rs20,000 per month
  • September 23, 1996

About Me


Bachelors of engineering

Siddaganga institute of technology

Graduate in electronics and communication with 8.40 cgpa

Secondary Education

Karnataka welfare trust,CBSE


Work & Experience

Trainee software engineer

August 26, 2019 - October 9, 2020
Quest global

Trainee software engineer with over 1+ years of experience. Projects Competed: 'User Management System' using angular7 and Sql server: Created the front-end login interface using angular7 including fields,buttons with neccessary validations. Set the validators for each field in typescript file and generated successive components after Login page ,routed them through routing module. Used CSS for each component for stying through selectors. Upon successful admin login the page is directed to the homepage where he can enter the details of employees and using data services provided the update,delete and add features so that any change in the data in the frontend is sent to sql database. 'Car spare parts management system' using windows forms and SQL : Created the front-end login interface consisting of buttons , text fields using windows forms and provided the neccessary validators using error providers,alerts and wrote the code behind the add,delete,update buttons in C# and store the data in SQL backend and retrieve the data from the sql database for any updation. Internal Training Experience: Hands-on experience in SQL with knowledge of database creation,tables creation,CRUD operations,Views,Joins ,operators,Constraints,Keys,aggregate functions,stored procedures etc. Worked with microsoft sql server management studio tool and visual studio tool and created few real time applications like banking,employee management system etc using windows forms as the front-end interface consisting of text fields and buttons and validated the fields through code and provided insert,delete,update buttons connected with the database ,disallowing the duplicate entries entered.


Microsoft sql server
Angular JS


Mastering SQL Query with SQL server-Udemy


Angular programming beginners bootcamp-Udemy


SQL server beginners to expert-Udemy


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