Btech in Information Technology
I completed My Btech with the 8.72 CGPA
I Completed Intermediate with the 93%
Work & Experience
Software Developer Intern
Designed and developed a FDPGlobalSearch Project which is responsible for globally searching throughout entire registry data of FastDataPipelines platform team using AWS Elastic Search. This feature is built as a part of the FDPUIConsole especially for the Admins of FDP team for Operational Excellence to reduce the operational load of the Production call. • Also, Responsible for testing and deployment of this code in FDP core services in Prod. • Created an Admin UI which is the single point of contact for the FDP team on calls and support people with the platform data and control actions which provides a one Click solution by which the users can search for the logical runs, physical runs and any string from the datagraph definition including the names. • Responsible for continues migration of the FastDataPipelines Platforms data from DynamoDb to Aws Redshift with some complex Intermediate Data Modifications like ETL jobs using Andes and EDX technologies to generate The Business Metrics for FastdataPipelines team. • Also, I created the Complex SQL query templates to generate the metrics between the time ranges. • Added the DateTime parameter In Jolt Transformation Plugin using the Time Stock function.
Data Analyst
Developed a project on interactive data visualization using python as POC. • This data visualization helps in detecting the fraudulent merchants whose machines are compromised. • Used CPP technique and as python is a free source it helps the company cost reduction in using licensed versions like tablue and PowerBi etc. • Attended the boot camps on the business flow of credit card life cycle, statistics, Ms office, SAAS tool Introduction, etc. and had a good learning experience. • Responsible for the review and manual testing of our team codes and models to get a better understanding.