So how would a teenager undergo depression?
Depression is a mental illness that effects how you feel and act towards the activities around you. It also leads to loss of interest in the activities which you used to like/love before. Teenage years are really tough. People have mood swings and a certain hike of emotions which they are not able to control which is one of the causes of depression in the teenagers.
PEER PRESSURE: This is one of the major cause of depression .In today’s world each and everyone is running after marks and running after how to be better than others. Every parent wants to see his/her child successful and in order to do that they start comparing their children with others which causes a loss of self esteem in a child. This child feels demotivated and if they are not able to get the marks then they feel that they are worth nothing .This may be the cause of depression in a child.
- Traumatic life events: any event that causes stress, change in lifestyle or mental trauma may lead to the depression of the teenagers. Traumatic life events can be loss of loved ones, divorce or fight between parents. This may lead to mental stress. In schools if the child is suffering from bullying that also causes mental trauma to a child. The physical, emotional and sexual abuse also has the long lasting effect on the child.
- Neurological changes: There is a difference between the brain of the adolescents and the brain of the adults .Neurotransmitters are the key chemicals that effects how the brain cells communicate with another and effect the mood and behaviour. Teens with the depression may have different levels of neurotransmitters that cause mood swings which may be one of the causes of the depression.
- Inherited traits: Research show that depression can be a biological component. The child can inherit it from his/her parent and suffer depression.
It is very hard to put in words that how one feel while they are depressed. Some may feel hike in their emotions, some may feel emptiness .These are some common symptoms that one may have while suffering from depression.
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Feeling of anger or agitation
- Loss of appetite.
- Anything can make you cry
- Trouble in concentration
- Feeling of hopelessness
- Having suicidal thoughts
- Low self esteem
- Extreme sensitivity towards failure
- Difficulty in decision making
- Memory loss
- Withdrawal from friends
- Anxiety
- Frequent body aches
- Self isolation
- Not enjoying things which he used to enjoy before
- Annoyed mood
- Self-criticism
If these kind of behaviour is shown by any teenager it means that he/she is suffering from depression. They should seek immediate help from the doctor or talk to their elders. The main problem is that teens don’t like to open up these kind of things to their parents and suffer depression on their own which leads to mental trauma and taking drastic step like suicide.
When you should see a doctor??
If these kind of symptoms are seen in a teenager then should quickly consult the doctor or one should take help of the trained professional in this field. Depression symptoms won’t get better on their own. These problems will get worse or will lead to another problem if it remain untreated.
Depressed teenager may also risk his life or cause other severe damage. This should be seen that the depressed child should be kept happy and should be taken proper care. Untreated depression may lead to the complication like :
- Alcohol and drug addiction
- Academic problems
- Suicide attempts
- Family conflicts
There is no sure way to prevent depression by such strategies can be implemented which may help the child from suffering.
- Take steps to boost the child’s esteem. Parents should encourage the child and make a happy environment around him/her without any pressure.
- Parents should take the consultation of the doctor on how to help to overcome depression.
- Talking is the best measure one can take. The child should talk about how he/she is feeling and parents also should take out some time from their schedule and be there with their kids.
- Try not to isolate yourself and should go for a vacation with your parents and loving ones.
Start a healthy lifestyle like eating healthy food, going for the walk and so on.
If you are stressed due to your exams then seek the help of your teachers and find ways to manage your time and study
- Take out some time and talk to your near and dear ones.
- If you have any kind of health issues then talk to your parents,
- Have a healthy lifestyle
- Encourage yourself by seeing motivational videos and talking to the person who can guide you
- Go out with friends and don’t isolate yourself.
- Stay clean
- Go for walks
- Think positive
- Practice yoga
- Travel
- Take multi-vitamin
1.BE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR KIDS: if you see the depression symptoms in your child then try talking to them and ask them that what is actually bothering them. Try to show your child that your actually care about them. Try to spend alone time and know about their likes and dislikes.
2.LISTEN TO THEM: Listen to what your child want to say to you before reacting/responding spontaneously. Give them undivided attention. Be friendly with them and don’t scold them on everything. This may happen that the child will stop sharing with you anything when you scold them.
3.RESPOND TO THINGS THOUGHTFULLY: Tell the child about your opinion without suppressing their opinion. Be gentle and don’t only focus on your feeling and try to understand their feelings also.
4.DON’T COMPARE: Every child has his/her own capacity .Try not to compare your kids with other kids. Try to encourage them and tell them that they are the best.
Really it’s great Anjali. Actually it is very helpful for others.
Nice one …..